Validation – Lambs and Goats

Validation for the lambs and goats will occur Tuesday, October 19, 2021 from 5-6:00 pm at the JB Wells Park.

Gonzales County Youth show Association – Validation for Halter Heifers

Validation for the halter heifers will occur Thursday October 21, 2021 from  5-6:00 pm at the Pecan Grove Vet. Clinic.   Rules by the Gonzales County Youth Show Association are available at under the tab Major Texas Livestock Show & Local Shows


Poinsettias and wreath pick up at Marrou’s between 10:00am and 4:00pm. Sale of Poinsettias also opens to the public during those hours. Address: 405 St James St, Gonzales, TX 78629  

Friday, January 21, 2022 – Broiler Pickup starting at 5 pm

Pushing back the pick up time for exhibitors to 5:00 pm still at the PACE Building (623 N. Fair Street, Gonzales) The cost per bird will be $2.00 for those pre-ordered. Also, there will be a small number of extra birds available for $1.00 a bird that exhibitors may purchase that day.  The extra birds will be first come, first serve.

County Council and Adult Leader Meetings

Meetings will be at the County Extension Office January, Tuesday 25th, 2022 at 6:00 P.M.  All Gonzales County 4-H club members are encouraged to come. Come meet the new Family Community Health Agent, Gayle Bludau, M.B.A.