
New office location: 623 North Fair Street, Gonzales, TX. 78629

Gonzales County AgriLife Extension Office

AG – Dwight Sexton

FCS- Gayle Bludau

Extension Office – Marcella Perales


Event Calendar

Helpful Links 

Major Livestock Shows & Local Shows





 Gonzales County

Providing quality, relevant outreach and continuing education programs and services to the people of Texas is the mission of Texas AgriLife  Extension Service. Responding to the community based needs of people in Texas is one of the most important responsibilities of Texas AgriLife  Extension Service and the Texas A & M System. The Gonzales County office is supported by the Gonzales County Commissioners Court and the Texas AgriLife  Extension Service.

Gonzales County, the “Cradle of Texas Independence” is rich in Texas history. As the capital of Green DeWitt’s colony, the area was settled in 1825. It was here on October 2, 1835, that the first shot was fired in the Texas revolution, when the Mexican army demanded that settlers give up the small cannon they had been given for protection against the Indians. The settlers answered “Come and Take It” and fired the cannon, thus stating the war for independence from Mexico.

Gonzales County is one of the leading agricultural counties in Texas. Although fairly diversified, the majority of agricultural income comes from poultry and beef cattle. Gonzales county ranks in the top five counties in the state for both poultry production and volume of beef cows.

In Gonzales County, Texas AgriLife  Extension Service provides information and support for agriculture producers and landowners. Additionally, youth development activities are supported through the 4-H program in Gonzales County. The Better Living for Texans Food Stamp Nutrition Program, Child Care Conferences, Workforce Development and Parenting Education are all programs implemented through family and consumer sciences.

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