The Gonzales Master Gardeners Annual Tomato & Vegetable Sale

2023 Tomato Sale Flyer - Updated Post 2.8.23 The Gonzales Master Gardeners will be holding their annual Tomato/Vegetable Sale on Saturday, February 25, 2023.  The sale will take place at PACE: Plantatarium A Center for Exploration.  This is the GMG building located at 623 N. Fair Street (between the Gonzales Elementary School and Bus Barn). The sale will be held inside from 8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.  Cash/checks/credit/debit cards will be accepted this year and there will be a limited number of people at any given time in... Read More →

Gonzales County Youth Show Association Stock Show (GCYSA)

GCYSA - Show Schedule 2023 Gonzales County Stock Show complete information can be found on attached flyer. STARTS: Thursday, March 2 Arrive - Check-In - Weigh-In 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Swine 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Commercial Heifers (health papers required at check-in) and everything in-between can be found on flyer.  ENDS: Saturday, March 4- 6:00 pm - Sale of Market Animals  

Nixon-Smiley Stock Show

Click below for Stock Show Information. 2023 NSLS Show Schedule Sale Order 2023 NSLS - Flyer Note: End time on website an approximate time.  The Action begins at 5 pm on the 11th as noted on the Schedule. Please refer to attachments for complete information.  

Lunch & Learn with the Master Gardeners

Lunch & Learn with the Master Gardeners Spring has sprung and our daydreams have started featuring gardens.  Lately, we have been hearing about the benefits and beauty of some of our native Texas plants.  After all, Texas is home to more than 5,000 native flowering plants.  But where to start?   A lunch and learn program on native Texas plants is going to be offered and hosted by the Gonzales Master Gardeners on Thursday, March 16, from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The program presenter, Gonzales Master Gardener and... Read More →