Validation – Gonzales County Youth Show Sheep and Goat

Validation for the lambs and goats will occur Tuesday, October 18, 2022, from 5-6:00 pm at the JB Wells Park. Rules by the Gonzales County Youth Show Association are available at under the tab Major Texas Livestock Shows & Local Shows

Gonzales County Youth Show Halter Heifer Exhibitors

 Validation for the halter heifers will occur Thursday October 20, 2022, from  5-6:00 pm at the Pecan Grove Vet. Clinic. Rules by the Gonzales County Youth Show Association are available at under the tab Major Texas Livestock Shows & Local Shows

4-H County Council & Adult Leader Administrative Meetings

November 15th, 2022 6:30 pm County Council and Adult Leaders Meeting at the PACE Building, at 623 N. Fair Street in Gonzales. All Gonzales County 4-H club members are encouraged to come.   4-H Parents are encouraged to join the Adult Leader meetings.